
bat in flight

Our fully qualified and licensed ecologists have extensive experience in supporting clients where bats are a factor in development.

Bats may be roosting as a maternity colony or as individuals in trees or buildings, or commuting and foraging in brown field, urban or ecologically sensitive sites. In any situation, our knowledge and expertise will help to ensure that your development can proceed cost-effectively and comply with legal obligations.

Our services include:

  • Inspection surveys: surveys of potential roosting sites proposed for development or demolition
  • Tree surveys: categorisation of bat roost potential and elevated access platform surveys
  • Roost surveys: nocturnal surveys focusing on the site to be developed
  • Activity surveys: nocturnal surveys assessing species diversity and distribution
  • At height surveys: assessing bat activity at altitude in relation to proposed wind turbine developments
  • Static detector surveys: for long-term monitoring and survey
  • Ecological clerk of works: supervision of soft-felling of trees or hand demolition of sensitive parts of buildings
  • Impact assessment: for large-scale developments such as wind farms and housing developments which might affect bat populations

Project Examples

Read more about more about bat surveys and mitigation undertaken by MKA Ecology

Newnham college building update

Replacement of outdated buildings and tree works

Industrial, brown field land redeveloped for housing

Protected species

Small barn conversion

Replacement of existing dwelling

Seasonal timing of surveys can be critical – for more information see our

Find out more about how we can help – contact us

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