
A sample of our projects

Ecological Impact Assessment for River Restoration

Biodiversity Net Gain for Science Park

Biodiversity Net Gain for Solar Farm

Biodiversity Net Gain for Housing Development

Badger signage

Road building affecting badgers, water voles and barn owls

New residential developments

Disused quarry transformed for housing

Bat Assessment for Housing Development

ecological impact assessment

Ecological Impact Assessment at Peterhouse Technology Park

Beddington marsh habitat

Long term monitoring, Habitat Creation and Restoration

Re-purposing a former quarry

Protected species surveys

Alternative energy sources - solar farms

Biodiversity management plan

Appropriate Assessment for Redevelopment on Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

Newnham college building update

Replacement of outdated buildings and tree works

Protected newts

Great Crested Newt EPS licence

Industrial, brown field land redeveloped for housing

Protected species

Newts and other amphibians

Large scale translocation of Great Crested Newts

Expanding or extending a building may require an ecology survey

Extension of student accommodation

Ecological assessments for wind energy projects

Small barn conversion

Replacement of existing dwelling

Major infrastructure ecology

Thursley Junction A3 – new slip road

Biodiversity Assessment of The Backs

Granta Park

Granta Park Cambridge

Haringey Biodiversity Audit

Rewilding Historical Estate

Cambridge City Biodiversity Strategy