Granta Park, Cambridge: Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, bats, badger, otter, water vole, reptiles, BREEAM and ecological enhancement and management plan

Granta Park

The brief

Granta Park is a purpose built 160 acre science and technology park 10 km South East of Cambridge. Occupied by a range of science and technology-based businesses, the Park is managed centrally with a focus on the surrounding natural habitat, which borders the River Granta. The mosaic of habitats on site include woodland, grassland, a stream and a lake. Ecological consultancy input has arisen as a result of boundary extensions, changes of use, construction of new buildings and a desire by the management to enhance its biodiversity and amenity for the 2000 people working on the Park.

What did we do?

Since 2011, MKA Ecology has undertaken preliminary ecological appraisals and phase 2 protected species surveys in relation to badgers, bats, otters, water voles and reptiles throughout the grounds. MKA Ecology’s surveys found roosting bats making use of mature trees. It was possible to avoid the need for a European Protected Species licence by reworking the design proposals to avoid impacts on the roost. Water vole impacts were mitigated when the connectivity between stream and lake was maintained. MKA Ecology’s Suitably Qualified Ecologists helped maximise the BREEAM credits available for the new buildings, devising appropriate native planting schemes. As construction works have progressed, the MKA Ecology team have undertaken ecological clerk of works duties, including nesting bird checks where vegetation was cleared during the breeding season. An ecological enhancement and management plan was also commissioned, which the MKA Ecology team produced for use by all stakeholders interested in the biodiversity of the Park.

What was the outcome for the client?

Efficient and effective delivery of our services, combined with creative solutions meant that the client could factor the ecological requirements on site into the project master plans, minimising delay and cost and enabling sustainable development. Our biodiversity consultancy has helped the management of the Park to achieve its stated aim of “truly inspirational surroundings, creating a perfect environment for a work-life balance”.

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What our clients said

Savills Cambridge team have worked with MKA Ecology over many years on a wide range of development projects across a wide range of sectors. Their expertise and professional commitment to projects has a been a vital component part of the development process and we continue to value their wise counsel in sometimes challenging ecological circumstances.

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