Preserving Finsbury Park for All
We've been involved in the development of Finsbury Park's ecological management plan. Whilst the plan needed to reflect the diverse interests of the community it also needed to preserve the park's habitats and biodiversity. So we met with the park's community to gather their ideas.
Rewilding – What’s the Attraction?
Rewilding offers an exciting, natural and positive way to restore balance to ecosystems. This post sheds light on rewilding as an approach to conservation, what's involved and how ecologists can play an important role in rewilding projects
Bird Race Enhances Identification and Tracking Skills
This year's MKA Bird Race served as a unique opportunity for team collaboration across the three offices whilst enhancing bird and mammal identification, and tracking skills
45 Minute Breathers for Mental Health Week
See how some of our staff took a breather from work during Mental Awareness Week 2024
Biodiversity Lab Uplift
The Granta Park Phase 2 masterplan has been developed to help meet lab space demand in Cambridge. Our ecological assessment concluded that the proposed development would deliver a significant net gain uplift
Medieval Bat Discovery
A medieval bat has been discovered! During a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) of the Pepys Library in Magdalene College, Cambridge our ecologists were shown a curious ecological find.
Batty About the Theatre
Bats have become a disturbance at a large London theatre, making a habit of dropping into the auditorium during evening performances. As protected animals in the UK and our ecologists have been discussing appropriate and effective bat mitigation approaches with the theatre staff
Landscape Institute Awards Shortlisting : Harringworth Park Wildlands
We're very excited to see that Harringworth Park Wildlands has been shortlisted in the Landscape Institute Awards 2023. Find out more about our involvement in this large-scale land management project
University Solar Farm Scheme to Increase Biodiversity
We undertook a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) assessment for a solar farm to help the University of Cambridge meet its net zero targets
Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?
We've encountered a few snakes in supporting the sustainable development of new housing in Norfolk. Our team received specialist training on the correct handling, capturing, bagging and marking of them to ensure their continued presence.
Estate Awarded Countryside Stewardship Scheme
Since undertaking a number of ecological surveys at the Bulwick Estate we are excited about the Estate's recent acceptance, in partnership with Natural England, into the Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS)
The Oxford Science Park Plans Approved
Our Oxford office's ecological team has been involved with numerous projects across The Oxford Science Park. Most recently they've been involved in development plans for office and laboratory facilities. Find out what they've been up to behind the scenes.
Get Set For Career Success
Our Graduate Ecologist shares the inside scoop on how she prepped for a career in ecology. Passion for wildlife and conservation paired with enthusiasm to learn new skills put her in good stead to land her dream job.
Experiencing Ecology in the Workplace
Work experience is a great way for students to gain first hand, practical experience in the workplace. Here's a personal account of a student's week spent in our busy ecological consultancy.
Spotting Less Common Orchids
Our team of ecologists embarked on an orchid discovery day to become familiar with the less common species of orchid but also to increase knowledge of the species that inhabit rich calcareous grassland and woodland habitats
Tracking Signs of Wildlife
The Track and Sign training day provided our team of ecologists with first-hand knowledge of Interpreting the tracks and signs left behind by animals. Find out more about what was discovered.
Supporting Professional Development: Bat Handling
Several members from our Ecologist team took part in recent bat handling training as part of working towards their level 2 bat licence. See what they got up to during this intuitive session.
Presence of Peregrine Falcons in Urban Areas
Specially protected birds do occur in urban areas and interesting insights into other bird species that pass over cities can be gained by investigating the feeding remains of peregrines. Find out what was discovered.
My Work Experience with MKA Ecology
A personal account of a UEA Masters student undertaking ecology work experience at MKA Ecology
Surveying Wildlife on a Different Wavelength
Advances in thermal imaging technology has resulted in it becoming an effective tool for ecologists. Portability and high res footage add significant value in the detection of a wide variety of species of birds and mammals.
Bat Caught On Camera!
See this video of a Pipistrelle bat re-entering its roost at dusk. Caught in the action through the use of night vision aids.
Beavers Now Legally Protected
We highlight some of the ecological surveys that can be undertaken during the winter months including bats, badgers and wintering birds. Planning ahead can help progress planning applications saving time and money.
Improving Our River Habitats
We're qualified to undertake River Condition Assessment (RCA) surveys and we explain why this is important for developments.
Winter is Still Survey Season
We highlight some of the ecological surveys that can be undertaken during the winter months including bats, badgers and wintering birds. Planning ahead can help progress planning applications saving time and money.
Developers are Key to New Environment Act
At a time when the world is focusing on biodiversity loss, biodiversity gain will be a requirement for planning consent. Our experts gave a presentation about the impact on developers
My Student Placement
Here's a personal account written by a student who carried out an 11 month internship within our ecological consultancy. Find out what kinds of experiences she was exposed to and whether she'd recommend to others!
Tree Climbing Bat Survey Team Expands
MKA Ecology offers team of certified tree climbing bat survey ecologists
Appropriate Assessment for Special Area of Conservation
MKA Ecology conducted an Appropriate Assessment to establish the likely significant effects of a redevelopment on Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation
Biodiversity Net Gain – How will it affect developers?
Delivering a mandatory minimum 10% biodiversity net gain will be a legal requirement for all development schemes in England so how does this impact developers?
Working with Charity to Build New Community for Homeless
We've been providing ecological expertise to a local charity to help build community housing for the homeless
Dawn-‘Til-Dusk Bird Race
Staff at MKA took part in its annual Bird Race to identify as many bird species as they could during daylight as part of the company's training
MKA Delighted to Announce Promotions to Senior Ecologist
MKA Ecology continues to provide excellent opportunities to develop rewarding careers. We celebrate three team members' promotions to Senior Ecologist.
Wild about Ecological Restoration
We're currently busy undertaking ecological surveys and gathering baseline data as part of an exciting rewilding project for a large estate in Northamptonshire.
Well-deserved Promotions to Consultant Ecologist
Following recognition of hard work, experience, and commitment, MKA Ecology promotes three team members to Consultant Ecologist
Graduate Exploitation in Ecological Consultancy
Read our article 'Early Career Ecologists: Time to Root Out Exploitation in the Consultancy Sector' in CIEEM's latest “Inpractice” magazine
Ornithological Skills Pyramid
MKA Ecology have adapted their in-house training to publish the ornithological skills pyramid. Read the full article.
Nesting Birds – Potential Constraints on Development
Undertaking nesting bird checks is likely to be least disruptive in March and August when fewer bird species are on the nest. Read on for more info.
MKA Ecology Contributes to UK BREEAM 2018 First
MKA Ecology were commissioned to consult on the land use and ecology aspect of 33 Charterhouse Street development which achieved the UK's first BREEAM 2018 New Construction 'Outstanding' rating for the design stage.
Floating Ecosystems: restoring marginal habitat along Tower Hamlets canals
We've been advising on the installation of ‘floating ecosystems’ along London's canal network. Creating 'green corridors' alongside the banks provides new habitat for wildlife as well as focal points for people to enjoy
MKA Ecology Helps Secure Planning Permission for New Homes
MKA Ecology have played a part in securing planning permission for client This Land for 230 new homes in Cambridge.
Great Crested Newt New District Licensing and How it Impacts You
The great crested newt district level licensing is changing. MKA Ecology provides more detail on this scheme and highlights what this means for developers and planning agents
MKA Appoints New Consultant Ecologist for London Office
MKA Ecology continues to expand its team with the recent joining of Rory Roche as a Consultant Ecologist. Rory heads up the London and south east branch of the business to continue to provide existing and new clients with high quality ecological solutions.
Bioblitz Reveals Results of Field to Meadow Transformation
MKA Ecology has helped transform relict field into diversity-rich and pollinator-friendly meadow. Two years on and our team undertook a bioblitz to discover the results.
Bringing Nature Back to the Backs
Restoring habitat for native species is contributing to a positive effect on our ecosystems. We gave biodiversity advice on transforming Kings College Chapel lawn into a beautiful biodiverse wildflower meadow
MKA’s 21st Celebration Photo Gallery
MKA Ecology celebrated its 21st anniversary in March 2020. Take a look at the selection of photos taken during the party to mark this special occasion.
Graduate Ecologists and Their Exploitation in Ecological Consultancy
At the CIEEM 2019 AGM, Marcus Kohler, director of MKA Ecology, raised his concerns over the culture within some ecological consultancies expecting junior staff to work excessive hours in the field during summer contracts and their first jobs. Marcus shares his thoughts.
Ecology Internship Confirms Student’s Career Choice
Here's an undergraduate's report on his summer ecology internship with us detailing some of his experiences, what he's learnt and his dreams to pursue a career in this field.
We Have Moved to our New Head Office
Our head office now has a new home! Still based in Cambridgeshire but we now have more space for our expanding team of ecologists.
Putting Biodiversity at the Centre of the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge Arc
Achieving the economic and infrastructural development envisioned for the Arc whilst restoring its biodiversity will be challenging. MKA's Ecologist identifies those environmental factors that should be addressed.
MKA Provides Ecological Expertise to Homes England Framework
MKA Ecology has been selected to provide ecological expertise to the new Homes England Framework through Tibbalds CampbellReith JV to help facilitate housebuilding across England.