Terms of Website Use

By using this site you agree to be bound by the following terms:

MKA ECOLOGY Limited (“MKA Ecology”) will use reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of information on this site but excludes all liability in respect of any use or reliance on it. MKA Ecology has no responsibility for third party web sites linked to or from this site or for information appearing on public forums.

MKA Ecology own the copyright and all other rights in this web site.

You may download, copy and print material on this site only for your internal business use solely for the purpose of selecting, evaluating and developing your use of MKA Ecology services. You may not distribute any material on this site to any third party without MKA Ecology’s prior written consent.

We’ve updated our website so that you can decide which cookies we use. Our website provides the best service when all cookies are enabled – without them, important parts of the website will not work and we can’t check that our site is working properly for you. We will however always honour your preference and only read or write to cookies based on the settings you choose.

What are cookies?
Cookies are tiny text files that are transferred to your computer when you visit websites. To enhance your website experience, so we can ensure our site works fully for you, we recommend they are enabled.

What do cookies do?

  • Record the areas in our site you have visited and for how long, We use this to help us improve our website so that it’s easy to use and so we can improve the services we provide

Are our cookies safe?

  • Yes – they don’t harm your computer.
  • Yes – they do not contain any information that could be used by others to identify you personally.
  • Yes – they do not contain any confidential details such as your email address or payment details.

Can I turn cookies off?
We use cookies to make our website easier to use and so we can provide the best possible service. They’re an essential part of how our website works, and to ensure it works properly for you, we recommend that they are enabled, but you’re in control, and we will only use them with your consent. If you would prefer us not to store cookies on your computer, you can change the settings below, or on your website browser. You can find out how to do this in the ‘Help’ section of your browser, via the menu bar. If you choose to turn cookies off we can’t check the website is working properly for you. You can be assured the cookies we use are safe.

Our use of advertisements
You may see adverts for MKA Ecology when you visit other websites. We allow other companies, called third-party ad servers or networks, to serve these advertisements on our behalf. We do not provide any personal customer information to these advertisers or third-party websites.

Copyright © 2019 MKA ECOLOGY Limited.
All Rights Reserved.

New Cambridge House
Bassingbourn Road

Registered in England No. 5858121
VAT Registration No.825137440