I’m a student at the University of East Anglia studying an MSc degree in Applied Ecology and Conservation and would like to share the work experience I’ve had with MKA Ecology.

As part of a university assignment for the module ‘Practical Conservation and Work Experience’ I was required to work a period of five days for a conservation organisation (or one that’s based in the environmental sector). I was fortunate enough to secure my placement with MKA Ecology.

Within the first hour, I attended the weekly Monday meeting in which each employee discusses the progress made on their project and any associated issues to the wider team. I found the meeting fascinating as I was unaware of the scale and number of projects being worked on at an ecological consultancy, and the extensive range of surveys that are carried out. I was both impressed and inspired by the teamwork, as well as the speed, reporting and the number of simultaneous projects.

Everyone at MKA Ecology were incredibly accommodating throughout my placement; all levels of ecologists answering questions with a great deal of expertise; as well as supporting me in my assigned tasks. The level of respect and professionalism displayed, among all team members, was of the highest standard and I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of it.

Despite the short placement I found it to be invaluable in my pursuit of becoming a graduate ecological consultant. Prior to starting, I had very little knowledge of the planning process, and what a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) may entail. By undertaking a PEA alongside an experienced ecologist and writing a mock report using an official template, I became much more familiar with what is involved. I was also fortunate to join and learn from the principal ecologist in the undertaking of a winter hibernation survey for bats; an entirely new experience for me.

I would like to thank MKA Ecology for providing me with a greater understanding of how an ecological consultancy operates, the different stages required in the consulting process, and for developing my skills for which I am able to update in my CIEEM competency framework.

My placement has confirmed my desire in becoming a graduate ecologist.

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