MKA Ecology conducted an Appropriate Assessment to establish the likely significant effects of a facility’s redevelopment on Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Suntrap Forest Education Centre, an outdoor nature facility set up for children, commissioned MKA Ecology to carry out a predevelopment ecological assessment prior to its recent refurbishment.
The facility’s seven-acre site is located to the west of Epping Forest, a designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a Site of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSI). Although the site is not located within the Conservation Area directly, its close proximity required an Appropriate Assessment to be undertaken. This was to understand the effects of such a redevelopment on an important protected area.
The forest, designated for its unique Beech forest habitats and also for its populations of Stag beetle Lucanus cervus, meant that the assessment paid special attention to the possible effects of the development on these aspects.
The Appropriate Assessment process revealed that no likely significant effects were anticipated on the qualifying features of the Epping Forest SAC and therefore there would be no impact on the conservation objectives.
A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, including Phase 1 Habitat Survey and Protected Species Scoping Survey including reptiles, amphibians and roosting bats, was also undertaken by MKA Ecology in support of the development application submission.
The redevelopment is complete and now provides a wonderful range of improved learning spaces and opportunities for young people to get outdoors, connect with nature, and learn about the climate & ecological crisis.