Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

In November 2021 England saw the introduction of a new Environment Act for improving the natural environment. Following a two-year transition period the BNG elements of the Act will become mandatory in autumn 2023. One of the provisions of the Act is the requirement for new developments to provide a 10% biodiversity net gain and requires that this biodiversity gain is managed for a minimum of 30 years. Despite the effective date, many emerging Local Plans and Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Documents are already requiring a minimum of 10% gain ahead of the legislation taking effect.

What is BNG?

BNG “is an approach to development, and/or land management, that aims to leave the natural environment in a measurably better state than it was beforehand” (

To measure biodiversity the Biodiversity Metric is used as a habitat-based approach to determine a biodiversity value. It provides ecologists, developers and planners with a way to assess changes in biodiversity value (losses or gains) brought about by development or a change in land management.

How does this affect developers?

  • A biodiversity gain plan needs to show how biodiversity gain will be delivered onsite and/or offsite for planning applications
  • Developers must deliver 10% biodiversity gain for new developments
  • Developers need to guarantee the biodiversity gain for 30 years post development
  • Developers will need to buy ‘biodiversity units’ to fund off-site enhancements elsewhere if they are unable to deliver biodiversity locally. This will be an additional and potentially unexpected cost
  • Locations that are particularly rich in biodiversity, such as greenfield sites with a relatively high existing biodiversity value, may need to be avoided if the delivery of net gain is not viable
  • New proposals should consider BNG from the outset to avoid costly delays.

How we can help

The significant impact of the Environment Act on the bottom line for developers cannot be underestimated. We would urge you to consider BNG as early as possible in your project planning.

With our extensive knowledge in BNG for development schemes we can undertake habitat assessments and offer advice right from the outset:

  • Identify potential issues for development projects
  • Inspect the land for enhancing and adding new habitats within the development itself prior to land acquisition
  • Offer advice for both onsite and offsite biodiversity enhancement options
  • Undertake a current and proposed habitat condition assessment to calculate net gain
  • Advice on the scope and type of habitats required to be created, enhanced or restored to lead to a gain
  • Work together to ensure that deliverables are practical and fit for purpose
  • Provide skills and experience in working with third parties including contractors and local authorities to deliver habitat creation, restoration and enhancement

For further information on Biodiversity Net Gain and related project examples, please click here or contact us direct.