Protected species surveys for major housing development in former quarry including Environmental Statement chapter
The brief
The client wished to obtain outline planning permission for up to 220 homes on a former cement factory, to include 40 per cent affordable housing, open space, play areas and allotments, as well as a new car park for the Primary School. A new cycle and footpath would also be built on the old railway line (which had been used for importing and exporting cement factory materials) to link up to a suburban Railway Station.
What did we do?
Over a period of several years, as part of the retained team of consultants from all disciplines, MKA Ecology undertook a full suite of protected species and habitat surveys at the main site and along the disused railway line. Protected species targeted included wintering and breeding birds, bats, water vole, great crested newts, reptiles, and badger. A Nature Conservation Management Plan was drawn up setting out MKA Ecology’s recommendations going forward for the management of ecological matters during and after the proposed construction phase. Following hundreds of man hours surveying this large and complex site, MKA Ecology’s report and Environmental Statement fed into the application for planning permission.
What was the outcome for the client?
Efficient, comprehensive and effective delivery of our services, meant that the client could factor the ecological requirements on site into the project master plans, minimising delay and cost. Outline permission was successfully achieved and the project moved on to the development phase.
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